Lead in the Water - A Hidden Killer
Clean water is critical to sustain basic life functions and to maintain health. The 2016 water crisis in Flint, Michigan serves as a wake-up call as we consider exactly what is contained in just a single drop of water. Understanding how lead can impact your drinking water is an important part in determining a solution.
- Why is it a concern? – While lead is a natural substance, it is also extremely toxic to humans. If ingested, it can accumulate in the body and cause severe health risks, including developmental issues, cancer, damage to the nervous system, reproductive issues and blood related diseases. The health consequences of lead poisoning are irreversible.
- How water gets contaminated – Most lead issues occur when homes or communities utilize outdated plumbing systems. Most of these contain lead pipes or lead fixtures. The lead leaches into the water supply as it corrodes from exposure to the water.
- Impact on children – Because infant formulas are mixed with water, young children are most at risk of lead poisoning. Children absorb about 85% of the lead they come in contact with. Children drink more water in proportion to their body weight (when compared with adult consumption) making the impact of lead contaminated water far more severe.
- Hot water and lead – While boiling your water is an excellent way to kill bacteria, it is not effective in getting rid of lead. The act of boiling causes water to evaporate which increases the concentration of lead in the water you drink. Because of this, if you believe your water source has lead contamination, you should avoid cooking with it altogether.
- Water softeners are not effective in lead reduction – Water softeners are not effective in lead reduction – While a water softener can remove the hardness of minerals from your water, it does not remove large levels of lead. The most effective solution is to use an EcoWater reverse osmosis system or EPS 1000 Lead and Microbiological Filter Drinking Water System to remove the lead particulates at the source of use. Since plumbing connections and old pipes in the ground that deliver water to your home may also be contaminated, it is often not possible to correct the issue by replacing just the piping or fixtures in your home.
- Undetectable – Unfortunately, the only way to detect lead is through a water test or blood test. Unlike other water issues that leave discoloration or have an odor, lead can sit quietly in your water supply for years.
If you are concerned about your water supply, contact the experts at A-1 EcoWater Treatment. They can provide proper lead testing and offer solutions should an issue be detected.
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